Durante il New York Comic-Con sono stati mostrati in esclusiva ai presenti in sala i primi minuti di Kraven il Cacciatore, il nuovo cinecomic Sony Pictures con protagonista Aaron Taylor-Johnson, che uscirà al cinema l’11 dicembre.
A giudicare dai commenti online, il pubblico sembra avere apprezzato questo primo sguardo, definito come “violentissimo, brutale e sanguinolento”.
Il film inizia con Kraven che viene portato in una prigione in Russia. Qui il protagonista decide di fuggire, facendosi largo “alla John Wick” tra le guardie del carcere, che uccide nei modi più violenti possibili muovendosi con mosse di parkour e movenze feline.
Il protagonista riesce quindi a fuggire e si ritrova in una tempesta di neve.
Holy shit. #KravenTheHunter is brutal.
I just saw a dude get split in half by a tree stump, a murder with a bear trap, several heads split by an ax, and a spiky tree swing down to impale a man – and more. It’s violent and vicious as fuck. pic.twitter.com/Ilfyx4SJHW
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) October 18, 2024
#KravenTheHunter opening was actually very good.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s Kraven basically goes full John Wick on a human hunt in a prison & makes an escape with animalistic moves.
Grounded, violent, charismatic work speaking Russian, and a bunch of guards with bad aim. Solid. pic.twitter.com/nHlMUGvQai
— Brandon Davis (@BrandonDavisBD) October 18, 2024
The first 7 minutes of KRAVEN THE HUNTER are a badass introduction to the character.
A grounded action set piece in a snowy Russian prison sets up a promising superhero film with loads of potential. #NYCC #KravenTheHunter pic.twitter.com/2YqVXc5FzY
— Jonathan Sim @NYCC (@TheJonathanSim) October 18, 2024
Just watched more footage from #KravenTheHunter. In the scene he brutally takes out a bunch of goons, one got a bear trap to the face.
This is a brutal movie. #NYCC pic.twitter.com/MRjNxNemVG
— B E A N Z (Miss U Mom) Catch Me @ NYCC (@BeanzGotGamez) October 18, 2024
Just saw the opening scene of #KravenTheHunter, and it’s a game-changer! It has a completely different feel from anything we’ve seen before from Sony/Marvel. The film kicks off in a frozen Russian landscape, with characters speaking Russian throughout, delivering intense action…
— Sean Tajipour ➡️ NYCC (@Seantaj) October 18, 2024
#KravenTheHunter footage looks dope
Much of the trailer looks to be from the opening (which we saw) and it’s great intense violence and some dope parkour
Really looking forward to seeing this Hunter in action. pic.twitter.com/kCtPSSoGBj
— Coy Jandreau (@CoyJandreau) October 18, 2024
Aaron Taylor Johnson is here !!!
And the opening sequence is incredible. Bloody and insane. Great action. I'm excited now!#nycc #kraventhehunter pic.twitter.com/CpspaATEM0
— Tessa Smith – Mama's Geeky (@MamasGeeky) October 18, 2024